a long time ago after world war 2
the us and the ussr went into something called
the cold war it was an arming race incase
the other would attack one of those parts of the cold war
was the space race.
the space race was competion between the 2 countries
so see who can do more feats in space
it started when the soviets put the first
man and manmade object in space
so nasa started their own program called project mercury
becuase it was the first space program
missions were very simple
see if you can sent a human to space
and see how they survive
they were two types of missions
manned missions and unmanned
idk whats with you but i think
the manned missions were far more intresting
every mission since the mercury program had a
diffrent patch that is relasted to them
here are the patches for the manned missions for merucry